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Development of Walking Assistants for Visually Challenged Person

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Source : In Computational Methods and Data Engineering: Proceedings of ICCMDE, 2021

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Keywords : Machine learning, Image processing, IoT, AI

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2022

Abstract : With the development of technology, many inventions have been made which have helped to make the lives of differently abled people easier. Prosthetic arms and legs have been developed, hearing aids are now readily available, glasses and contact lenses are available for people who have myopia or hypermetropia, motor-operated wheelchairs are available for people with impaired legs. Most of the benefits of technology advancement have little consideration for the visually impaired even though they constitute about 3.6% of world’s population. However, with the advent of artificial intelligence, machine learning and the Internet of things, different types of helping aids have been developed to facilitate a visually challenged person to navigate. Unfortunately, these helping aids either have limited scopes and too many constraints or are very expensive. The device intends to assist a visually impaired person to walk around by integrating machine learning algorithms and image processing techniques.

Cite this Research Publication : Lokare, A.S., Venkatesh, P., Sitthanathan, S.V. and Mohanraj, T., 2022. Development of Walking Assistants for Visually Challenged Person. In Computational Methods and Data Engineering: Proceedings of ICCMDE 2021 (pp. 29-40). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore

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