- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Clinical Fellowship in Laboratory Genetics & Genomics - Fellowship
Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : CNM
Source : CNM,2021, 06.
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Biotechnology
Department : Chemistry
Year : 2021
Abstract : Background: Molecular imprinting approach involves a two-step process, template-functional monomer complex and co-polymerization process. The loose polymer networks are known to have limitations towards binding cavities with low specificity and cavity shrinking after template removal lead to inefficient template-based imprinted polymer networks. To overcome optimization of crosslinkers and FMs concentration lead to efficient organic imprinted polymer networks. Methods: The present study focused on selective recognition of caffeine specific cavities in the Molecular Imprinted Polymer (MIP) networks. The degree of crosslinking was optimized based on the template to study the rebinding capacity. Results: A self-assembled co-polymerization with functional monomers (FM) as methyl acrylamide (MAA), ethylene glycol dimethyl acrylate (EDMA) / cross-linker in 1:20,40:60 ratio of FM:crosslinker leads to caffeine with/without networks in imprinted polymers. Furthermore, The synthesized imprinted nano polymers were characterized by UV-VIS, FTIR, GC-MS ,SEM spectral analysis. Conclusion: We have observed that 30-50 nm particle size in MIPs and 60-92 nm particle sizes in NIPs The specific selective binding of caffeine and its analogues as hydrazone, naphthalene and hypoxanthine were investigated.It was proved from rebinding studies that in imprinted nanomaterials polymers with 1:10 :20, 40, 60 (template: FM: crosslinker) had 62-70% maximum specific selectivity.
Cite this Research Publication : Suravajhala, R.; Burri, H. R.; Malik, B. Development of Highly Specific and Selectively Recognizing Caffeine Imprinted Polymer Nanomaterials with EGDMACrosslinker. CNM,2021, 06.