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Development of a Framework for Effective Surveillance and Human Intrusion Detection in Border regions covered with Dry leaves

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : IEEE

Source : Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC)

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

Year : 2020

Abstract : Terrorist intrusion creates problems to the national security. The casualty induced by previous terror attacks against Indian Military Force in Pathankot, Uri and the recent Pulwama attack demands the need of developing a multi-sensing system for detecting the presence and movement of intruders in the border areas. Huge human involvement is needed for the conventional patrolling systems and the latest surveillance systems are equipped with high-tech and costly devices. Line of sight issues and high false warning rates are the major problem experienced by using any of this single technique. This lead to the need of developing an effective surveillance and human intruder detection system integrated with multi sensing approach and different technologies. The proposed system is a part of the PANCHENDRIYA framework, only for detecting a human intruder in the border region covered by dry leaves. This framework aims to reduce the work force and cost of the traditional border surveillance by integrating multiple sensors and various wireless technologies. Microphone sensor is used to detect the presence of human intruder in dry leaves through footstep signal detection and surveillance camera sensor is used for getting a clear evidence of the intrusion in the border region through visual information. The overall system performance is enhanced by integrating these sensors into a microcontroller development board with high computational capability. Once the human intrusion in border region covered with dry leaves is detected, then the system initiates early alerts.

Cite this Research Publication : Arjun, D., P. K. Indukala, and KA Unnikrishna Menon. "Development of a Framework for Effective Surveillance and Human Intrusion Detection in Border regions covered with Dry leaves." In 2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), pp. 106-109. IEEE, 2020.

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