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Determination on the effect of al2o3 / b4c on the mechanical behaviour of al-6.6si-0.5mg alloy cast in permanent mould

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : Trans Tech Publications , Material Science Forum doi:10.4028/

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical

Year : 2019

Abstract : The present research includes the analysis of mechanical properties of A356/ hybrid metal matrix composite. The mechanical behaviour - hardness, ductility, tensile and yield strength were studied. Reinforcement of these composite specimens were with a weight percentage of (wt - %) 10%, 20% and 30%. The microstructure of these specimens at different wt - % of reinforcements were viewed under an optical metallurgical microscope. It was observed that at 30 wt - % of reinforcement addition, there was a finer distribution of reinforcement particles and as the wt - % decreased, much leaner distribution was observed. The hardness test was carried out using a Vickers Hardness Tester. From the experiment it was noted that with an increase in the amount wt - % of reinforcement, there is a subsequent increment in the mechanical properties except in the case of percentage elongation, which was observed to decrease with an increase in the reinforcement content.

Cite this Research Publication : Aravind Senan, V. R., Akshay, M. C., &Shankar, K. V. (2019). Determination on the effect of al2o3 / b4c on the mechanical behaviour of al-6.6si-0.5mg alloy cast in permanent moulddoi:10.4028/

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