Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Control Theory and Application
Source : International Journal of Control Theory and Application, vol 9(2), pp. 1015-1021, 2016, (Scopus Indexed).
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2016
Abstract : Multi level voltage source converters happen to be emerging as a fresh and an innovative variety in power converter alternatives for high-power level applications. The multilevel voltage source conversion programs commonly consists a set of stairs of voltage wave from a number of degrees of capacitor concentration .The primary limitations of the multi-level convertors is volt quality unbalance between different amounts. The methods that are to balance the voltage between different amounts normally involve voltage clamping or capacitor charge control. There are several methods to maintain voltage balance in multilevel convertors. Without taking into consideration the standard magnetic coupling conversion programs, this paper presents recently developed multilevel ac electricity source converters by Cascading of converters with separate power sources.
The operating principle, features, constraints, and potential applications of this conversion program will be discussed in this paper.
Cite this Research Publication : M. Venkateshkumar, "Design of Multilevel Convertor for Renewable Energy Applications Using Fuzzy Logic Controller," International Journal of Control Theory and Application, vol 9(2), pp. 1015-1021, 2016, (Scopus Indexed).