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Design of Frequency Sampling Rational Rate Polyphase FIR Converter

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : IEEE

Source : K Anjali Rao, Abhishek Kumar, Sujit Kumar Patel, K. Dmitrii, and Neetesh Purohit

Url :

Campus : Faridabad

School : School of Artificial Intelligence

Verified : No

Year : 2024

Abstract : Frequency sampling structures are being effectively used in different signal processing applications, especially for higher filter lengths with a few non-zero samples in the passband. Although a few time domain-based polyphase Rational Sampling Rate Converter (RSRC) design approaches are available, a Frequency Sampling-based polyphase RSRC design approach has not yet been developed, and hence, it is analyzed in this presented work. In the proposed work, initially, we have derived a mathematical expression of the transfer function with real-valued parameters for the polyphase component of the FIR filter in the frequency domain. Stability analysis of the proposed filter with a radius r<1 gives better results. The work also discusses the usage of derived expressions to indicate the effect of different values of ‘ r ’. Thereafter, it is established that the proposed structure has a lower requirement of Multiplications Per Output Sample (MPOS). For example, in the case of M= 3, L= 2 and N= 420 configuration by allowing 38 more Additions Per Output Sample (APOS), 24 MPOS are reduced, whereas, for M= 10, L= 9 and N= 900 configuration just 9 more APOS enables the proposed structure eliminating 20 MPOS. Finally, the synthesis result validates the efficacy of the proposed structure.

Cite this Research Publication : K Anjali Rao, Abhishek Kumar, Sujit Kumar Patel, K. Dmitrii, and Neetesh Purohit, "Design of Frequency Sampling Rational Rate Polyphase FIR Converter", IEEE Transactions in Circuits and Systems II, vol. 71, issue 2, pp 962-966, Feb 2024.

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