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Design of CSKAS-VANET model for stable clustering and authentication scheme using RBMA and signcryption

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Front. Comput. Sci.

Source : Front. Comput. Sci. 6:1384515, 2024

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2024

Abstract : A public key infrastructure-enabled system authentication model is developed to provide essential security functions for Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). An intelligent transportation system is provided by VANET, an emerging technology. Dedicated short-range communication is used to disseminate messages wirelessly. Communications may be hacked, and messages can be stolen or fabricated. Hence, authenticated communication is crucial in the VANET environment. Some parameters such as trust, authentication, privacy, and security are at high risk. This article suggests a VANET with secure authentication and trust-based clustering mechanisms to provide stable and secure communication. Initially, the Restricted Boltzmann Machine learning algorithm (RBMA) is used to select the cluster head, which depends upon trust, vehicle lifetime, and buffer level. Then, cluster members are formed, followed by grouping. Diffie–Hellman Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography and cryptographic hash functions are used by signcryption for secure communication in VANET. Therefore, the essential component of the key agreement strategy that will give superior authentication is this signcryption mechanism. Over the medium access protocol layer, all of these security characteristics are updated. The proposed method of clustering signcryption key agreement scheme (CSKAS) approach reduces time complexity and increases packet delivery ratio which is vital in providing stable, secure communication.

Cite this Research Publication : Gayathri M and Gomathy C (2024) Design of CSKAS-VANET model for stable clustering and authentication scheme using RBMA and signcryption. Front. Comput. Sci. 6:1384515

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