Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Source : Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag, Volume 381, p.45-53 (2016)
Url :
ISBN : 9788132225256
Keywords : Accelerometers, Arduino UNO R3, Control systems, Design and implementations, Fuzzy inference, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy logic controllers, Fuzzy rule base, Fuzzy rules, Modeling and control, Self-balancing, Self-balancing vehicles, Sensor-based control, Vehicles
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2016
Abstract : Two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle commercially known as “Segway” is a promising upcoming mode of transportation in many fields viz. corporate worlds, tourist place, medical field, or for personal use. In this paper, a control strategy and sensor-based control of two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle is proposed. The concept of the stabilizing the vehicle is inspired from the inverse pendulum theory. Based on steady-state space mathematical model, the entire system control is divided into two subsystems: self-balance control system (forward or backward motion balancing) and yaw control system (left or right movement). The control strategy used is fuzzy logic and is applied to both subsystems. A prototype model of the self-balancing vehicle is developed and the proposed mathematical model and control logic are verified by testing on the developed prototype. © Springer India 2016.
Cite this Research Publication : S. S. Babu and Pillai, A. S., “Design and implementation of two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle using accelerometer and fuzzy logic”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 381, pp. 45-53, 2016.