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Design and Implementation of Smart Helmet Using Low Power MSP430 Platform

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Springer

Source : Intelligent Embedded Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 492. Springer, Singapore

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2018

Abstract : An accident is an unexpected, unintended, and unusual external action that occurs at particular place and time which leads to a marked effect on human life. Most of the countries have rules for motorcycle users to wear a helmet for their safety purpose where the rate of two-wheeler accidents increasing day by day. Smart helmet automatically checks whether a person has undergone any accident and sends messages to the emergency numbers. This system finds the impact with which the head hits the ground when an accident occurs. It makes use of a low power MSP430 processor which receives the analog value from the piezoelectric disk sensor based on the impact of helmet and compares with critical value. Once the critical value is obtained, GSM transmits a message to emergency numbers. As an additional feature, there is a temperature sensor which senses temperature in helmet and checks the temperature at every instant based on the variations of temperature in helmet control cooling system when temperature is high.

Cite this Research Publication : Indupuru Y., Venkatasubramanian K., Umamaheswari V. (2018) Design and Implementation of Smart Helmet Using Low Power MSP430 Platform. In: Thalmann D., Subhashini N., Mohanaprasad K., Murugan M. (eds) Intelligent Embedded Systems. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 492. Springer, Singapore

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