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Design and analysis of building diagnostics robot

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Source : 2021, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2070 (1), Art. no. 012242

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2021

Abstract : This research paper is based on the designing and analysis of a track-based robot which has the capability of climbing stairs and rough terrain maneuverability with an IR sensor to conduct infrared thermography of buildings. The data generated by this can be used to detect and optimize HVAC systems, moisture damage and Electrical issues. The robot is designed in Solidworks software and motion analysis is done using Adams and structural analysis through Ansys. The Thermal imaging camera was tested in the real world to check the feasibility and accuracy of Infrared Thermography.

Cite this Research Publication : Kumar, Y., Rahul, J., Harikrishnan, R., Anirudh Mohan, T.P., Sreedharan, P., “Design and analysis of building diagnostics robot”, 2021, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2070 (1), Art. no. 012242

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