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Decoration of carbon nanomaterials with biogenic silver nanoparticles

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : In Green Synthesis of Silver Nanomaterials (pp. 127-148). Elsevier, 2022

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Arts and Sciences, School of Physical Sciences

Department : Chemistry

Verified : No

Year : 2022

Abstract : Silver and carbon nanoparticles are the two inorganic species that have been receiving considerable attention in recent years because of their excellent and fascinating properties. The idea of a combination of these astonishing elements to develop more capable and advantageous nanocomposites with various potential applications arose some time ago. Various procedures have been employed for the synthesis of these nanocomposites. Out of these, green synthesis of silver nanocomposites is examined in this chapter as time asks for that. A more eco-friendly and low-cost method of fabrication of Ag-inorganic nanocomposites is necessary to solve the issues related to toxicity, stability, and environmental concerns. This review evaluates the possible mechanisms for incorporating silver nanoparticles into graphene oxide (GO) sheets and other carbon forms that may generate highly efficient inorganic nanocomposites.

Cite this Research Publication : Shyam, A., Chandran, S. S., Mohan, R. D., Sambhudevan, S., & George, B. (2022). Decoration of carbon nanomaterials with biogenic silver nanoparticles. In Green Synthesis of Silver Nanomaterials (pp. 127-148). Elsevier.

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