Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Indian Journal of Medical Research
Source : Indian Journal of Medical Research, Volume 136, Number 2, p.280-288 (2012)
Url :
Keywords : adolescent, adult, aged, article, attention, behavior, cognition, Cognition Disorders, Cross-Cultural Comparison, cultural anthropology, demography, emotion, Emotional Intelligence, female, human, Humans, India, intelligence, major clinical study, male, Memory, middle aged, Neuropsychological Tests, reaction time, Reference Standards, Short-Term, task performance, thinking, United States, working memory
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Collaborative Research Unit
Year : 2012
Abstract : Background objectives: Despite the central role of cognition for mental disorders most studies have been conducted in western countries. Similar research from other parts of the world, particularly India, is very limited. As a first step in closing this gap this cross-cultural comparability study of the South Texas Assessment of Neurocognition (STAN) battery was conducted between USA and India. Methods: One hundred healthy adults from Kerala, India, were administered six language independent subtests of the Java Neuropsychological Test (JANET) version of the STAN, assessing aspects of general intellectual ability (Matrix Reasoning), attention (Identical Pairs Continuous Performance, 3 Symbol Version Test; IPCPTS), working memory (Spatial Capacity Delayed Response Test; SCAP), response inhibition (Stop Signal Reaction Time; SSRT), Emotional Recognition and Risk taking (Balloon Analogue Risk Task; BART). Test results were compared to a demographically matched US sample. Results: Overall test performance in the Kerala sample was comparable to that of the US sample and commensurate to that generally described in studies from western countries. Interpretation conclusions: Our results support the metric equivalence of currently available cognitive test batteries developed in western countries for use in India. However, the sample was restricted to individuals who were literate and had completed basic primary and secondary education.
Cite this Research Publication : Sa Cherkil, Satish, Sa, Mathew, S. Sa, Dinesh, Na, Kumar, C. T. Sb, Lombardo, L. Ec, Glahn, D. Ccd, and Frangou, Sb, “Cross-cultural standardization of the south Texas assessment of neurocognition in India”, Indian Journal of Medical Research, vol. 136, pp. 280-288, 2012.