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Cranial Neuropathy and Bone Involvement in Primary Systemic Amyloidosis

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Association of physicians of India

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Medical Oncology

Year : 2006

Abstract :

Bone involvement in primary systemic amyloidosis is rare. Intracranial involvement in primary amyloidosis has not been reported so far. We report two cases of bone involvement in primary amyloidosis. The first patient also had combined deficiencies of factor IX and XII, while the second patient had associated intracranial involvement and XIIth cranial nerve palsy. Both these cases are unique in that, destructive bone lesions with intracranial involvement and combined factor deficiencies have not been reported in primary amyloidosis previously

Cite this Research Publication : Ray S, Pavithran K, Nair PS. Cranial Neuropathy and Bone Involvement in Primary Systemic Amyloidosis. J Assoc Phys India 2006; 54: 577-80.

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