Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies,
Source : Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies, ICCPCT 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (2017)
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Keywords : 4G mobile communication systems, Antennas, Base stations, Block codes, Computer circuits, cooperative communication, Cooperative MIMO, Distributed antennas, Distributed space time block codes, Error rate performance, Errors, Fading channels, LTE-Advanced systems, Mobile communications, Mobile telecommunication systems, Relay node, Space time codes, Space-time block coding (STBC), Standards, Telecommunication repeaters, Walsh code
Campus : Coimbatore
School : Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2017
Abstract : Spatial multiplexing and spatial diversity are two efficient techniques to increase the data rate and to overcome fading respectively in LTE advanced system. They can be accomplished by employing cooperative MIMO, an advanced technology that exploits the spatial domain of fading channels in mobile communication. It uses distributed antennas on various relay stations to obtain reliability close to the MIMO. The underlying concept of this technology is to group multiple relays into an array of virtual antennas to form a MIMO. In this paper a new technique has been proposed for selecting the relay stations in forming a cooperative MIMO for transmission of message from base station to mobile station. The selection is done by comparing the error rate performance in relaying a pilot tone by the relay stations. The error rate in transmitting signal from both base station to relay station and relay station to mobile station have been considered while selecting the relay station for cooperation. Simulation results show that in the absence of one hop direct transmission of message signal from the base station to the relay station, proposed technique has reduced error rate compared to the error rate performance of the signal relayed by the selected individual relay stations.
Cite this Research Publication : U. S. H. Varma, Nikhil, M. V. S., Manikanta, G. S. S. K., Kiran, T. B. S., and Kirthiga, S., “Cooperative MIMO with relay selection for LTE advanced system”, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies, ICCPCT 2017, 2017.