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Content based image compression techniques: A survey

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Science

Source : International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume Vol.2, p.PP. 597- 601 (2013)

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Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2013

Abstract : There are many image compression methods which compress the image as a whole and not considering the devices storage and resources. The application of multimedia devices has developed during the recent years which results in insufficient bandwidth and the storage space in each device. The term compression becomes more and more significant for the storage space conserving and other requirement. Compression reduces the redundancy and encodes the data with fewer bits thus reduce the consumption of the devices resources, storage space, network bandwidth etc. content based compression become more significant in the field of medical and multimedia compression in order to preserve the important region in an image. Content based image compression with less computational complexity is important in the field of resource limited multimedia devices. This paper reviewed different types of compression methods. These methods are compared with each other using PSNR and computational complexity associated for each method.

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Salija P., Manimekalai P., and Vasanthi N. A., “Content based image compression techniques: A survey”, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. Vol.2, No. 3 vol., pp. PP. 597- 601, 2013.

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