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Construction of Rough Graph through Rough Membership Function

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Horizon Research Publishing.

Source : Mathematics and Statistics

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2022

Abstract :

 Rough membership function defines the degree of relationship between conditional and decision attributes of an information system. It is defined by µ R X : U → [0, 1] where X is the subset of U under the relation R where U is the universe of discourse. It can be expressed in different forms like cardinality form, probabilistic form etc. In cardinality form, it is expressed as µ R X = |[x]R∩X| |[x]R| where as in probabilistic form it can be denoted as P (x ∈ X| [x]R) = P ([x]R∩X) P ([x]R) where [x]R is the equivalence class of x with respect to R. This membership function is used to measure the value of uncertainty. In this paper we have introduced the concept of graphical representation of rough sets. Rough graph was introduced by He Tong in 2006. In this paper, we propose a novel method for the construction of rough graph through rough membership function ω F G (f). We propose that there is an edge between vertices if max(ω F G (vi), ωF G (vj )) > 0. The rough graph is being constructed for an information system; here objects are considered as vertices. Rough path, rough cycle, rough ladder graph are introduced in this paper. We develop the operations on rough graph and also extend the properties of rough graph.

Cite this Research Publication : R.Aruna Devi, K.Anitha, Construction of Rough Graph through Rough Membership Function, Mathematics and Statistics, 10(6), 1344-1353. DOI: 10.13189/ms.2022.100622,(2022).

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