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Construction of Activity Diagrams from Java Execution Traces

Publication Type : Book Chapter

Publisher : Ambient Communications and Computer Systems, In: Perez G., Tiwari S., Trivedi M., Mishra K.

Source : Ambient Communications and Computer Systems, In: Perez G., Tiwari S., Trivedi M., Mishra K. (eds), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Singapore, Volume 696, Singapore, p.641-655 (2018)

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ISBN : 9789811073861

Keywords : Activity diagram, Execution trace, JIVE, Run-time visualisation, sequence diagram, UML

Campus : Amritapuri

School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering

Center : AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Distributed Systems, Algorithms and Computing Systems

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2018

Abstract : The aim of the work is to construct an activity diagram from the execution trace of Java programs to provide better program comprehension through visualisation. The execution trace is obtained during run-time when the Java program is debugged and the Java Interactive Visualisation Environment (JIVE) produces the details corresponding to the execution. The information from the trace is observed to develop an algorithm for the activity diagram construction. The reliance on PlantUML syntax has significantly guided in activity diagram notations used. Several basic programs containing the different constructs in Java are chosen for the analysis of the execution trace, and the events generated for these are studied to develop the algorithm. The execution trace is a collection of various fields which retrieves valuable information regarding the execution. The fields deliver relevant information regarding the control flow of the program and has majorly contributed for the diagram construction. However, the execution trace does not reveal particulars of some of the constructs in Java program and hence constructs have been categorised into two. The available constructs’ execution traces are taken and studied, whereas the unavailable ones are kept aside. The algorithm thus developed is allowed to test with multiple programs to identify its correctness.

Cite this Research Publication : Devi Sree Rajan and Swaminathan J., “Construction of Activity Diagrams from Java Execution Traces”, in Ambient Communications and Computer Systems, In: Perez G., Tiwari S., Trivedi M., Mishra K. (eds), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 696, Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018, pp. 641-655.

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