Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Asian-European Journal of Mathematics
Source : Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, vol. 4, pp. 653-670, 2011
Url :
Keywords : biordered sets, equivalence relation, L-strongly unit regular monoids, R-strongly unit regular monoids, regular functor, sandwich sets
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Arts and Sciences
Department : Mathematics
Year : 2011
Abstract : pIn this paper we give a detailed study of R-strongly unit regular monoids. The relations between the biordered set of idempotents and the group of units in unit regular semigroups are better identified here. Conversely, starting from a regular biordered set E and a group G we construct a R-strongly unit regular semigroup S for which the set of idempotents E(S) is isomorphic to E as a biordered set and the group of units G(S) is isomorphic to G. The conditions to be satisfied by G and E are also listed./p
Cite this Research Publication : A. R. Rajan and Dr. Sreeja V. K., “CONSTRUCTION OF A R-STRONGLY UNIT REGULAR MONOID FROM A REGULAR BIORDERED SET AND A GROUP”, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, vol. 4, pp. 653-670, 2011