Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : IEEE
Source : International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT)
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Computing
Year : 2015
Abstract : Image inpainting is the meaningful reconstruction of lost, damaged or unwanted portions of an image by using the information from the proper undamaged portions of the same image. Image inpainting is an important process in image pro- cessing and has numerous applications in heritage conservation, restoration of old photographs, removal of occlusions, special effects in photos and so on. Here we replace the unwanted object by the information available from its neighbourhood. We present an algorithm that improves both the clarity and speed using a Complex-diffusion based approach. Complex-diffusion based approach for inpainting overcomes the shortcomings such as stair- case effect and excessive blurring caused by Partial Differential Equation based approaches. Our method outperforms the existing methods in terms of PSNR, SSIM and UIQI values.
Cite this Research Publication : Nithin Gopinath, Arjun K,J Adithya Shankar,Jyothisha J Nair, Complex difffusion based image inpainting, 2015 1st International Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies (NGCT),2015.