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Commuting graph on Dihedral groups

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science

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Campus : Nagercoil

School : School of Computing

Year : 2011

Abstract : Let Γ be a non-abelian group and Ω ⊆ Γ . The commuting graph C ( Γ , Ω ) , has Ω as its vertex set with two distinct elements of Ω joined by an edge when they commute in Γ . In this paper we discuss certain properties of commuting graphs constructured on the dihedral group D 2 n with respect to some specific subsets. More specifically we obtain the chromatic number and clique number of these commuting graphs.

Cite this Research Publication : T. Tamizh Chelvam, K. Selvakumar and S. Raja,Commuting graph on Dihedral groups, The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol.2, No. 2, 402--406, 2011.

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