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Comment on the Paper: How to Intervene in the Caries Process: Early Childhood Caries–A Systematic Review by Schmoeckel et al

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Caries Research

Source : Caries Research 55 (3), 238-239, 2021

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Dentistry

Department : Public Health Dentistry

Year : 2021

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : A Varughese, V Ramanarayanan, P Balachandran, C Janakiram, I Devan, Vineetha k, "Comment on the Paper: How to Intervene in the Caries Process: Early Childhood Caries–A Systematic Review by Schmoeckel et al", Caries Research 55 (3), 238-239, 2021

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