Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Strategic Human Resource Management
Source : Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Volume 2, Issue 3 (2013)
Url : is external)
Keywords : Cognitive Ergonomics, Employee Well-being, Financial Companies., job satisfaction
Campus : Amritapuri
School : Department of Management, School of Business
Department : Business
Year : 2013
Abstract : The Cognitive Ergonomics is a subset of the Human Factors and Ergonomics that deals with fitting the job to the worker by putting an emphasis on cognition in work and operational settings so as to optimise human well-being and system performance. Congenial workplace conditions support the cognitive tendencies of employees. Technological advancement in the last two decades has posed numerous challenges to financial service companies which are otherwise marred by unhealthy market competition. To cope with the situation, human capital development has been earmarked as one of the top priorities. It became onus upon the HR managers to keep pace with the industrial standards on welfare and retention strategies. Ergonomic interventions in several forms have been put in place with an eye on better employee well-being. This study is to determine the essential factors of cognitive ergonomics and its major implications on employee well-being in financial service companies. A questionnaire survey was conducted among the randomly selected employees in Banks and NBFCs. Appropriate statistical tools were used to analyse the data. It is found that cognitive ergonomics has an all-encompassing function in the employee wellbeing of financial service companies.
Cite this Research Publication : Sanil S. K., Dr. Vinith Kumar Nair, and Hareesh N. Ramanathan, “Cognitive Ergonomics and Employee Well-being in Financial Companies”, Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, vol. 2, no. 3, 2013.