Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : AIP Publishing
Source : Applied Physics Letters 2015, 107 (19), 192407.
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures
Year : 2016
Abstract : We herein report the achievement of exceptionally high coercivity (Hc) values: 9.92 and 5.86 kOe at 5 and 300 K, respectively, for Mn55Al43Cu2 flakes produced by surfactant-assisted milling process without employing any heat-treatment. The use of surfactants such as oleic acid and oleylamine during milling yielded high-aspect ratio flakes for the Mn-Al-Cu alloy. Structural studies confirmed the presence of τ- and β-phases as the major constituents in the Mn-Al-Cu flakes. The observed Hc enhancement is due to the increase in anisotropy field and structural defects, which is hypothesized to originate from the domain-wall pinning as a consequence of precipitation of fine Cu-particles present at the grain boundaries.
Cite this Research Publication : Saravanan, P.; Hsu, J.-H.; Vinod, V. T. P.; Černík, M.; Kamat, S. V. "Coercivity Enhancement in Mn-Al-Cu Flakes Produced by Surfactant-Assisted Milling". Applied Physics Letters 2015, 107 (19), 192407.