Publication Type : Book Chapter
Thematic Areas : SDG indicator 2.4.1 Agriculture
Publisher : Springer Nature Singapore
Source : The Palgrave Handbook of Socio-ecological Resilience in the Face of Climate Change: Contexts from a Developing Country (pp. 161-195). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures
Year : 2023
Abstract : This chapter dissects the Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices and technologies and provides a traction of their impacts on climate change (CC) adaption. It explicitly examines the emerging climate and agricultural development perspectives. It offers insights into their nexus in India with a comparison to South Africa as a typical example of developing countries in Asia and Africa. The paper also unravels the trend in feminisation of agriculture, and the ongoing legislation and programme initiatives in India and South Africa to address challenges related to climate change. The methodology adopted qualitative data generation through intensive desk scoping of previous CSA studies, organisational literature and publications in peer-reviewed journals addressing CC impacts on natural resources, agroecosystems and livelihoods in the two countries. The literature revealed that both countries hold immense potential for CSA, but the initiatives to implement the CSA concept are still in their execution stages. Those initiatives being piloted are facing multifaceted challenges and have not been patently established. With both indigenous approaches and research-based interventions possessing CSA qualities, it is suggestive that scaling up CSA will necessitate intersectional and multi-level efforts to allow the design, implementation and monitoring of context-specific approaches towards integrated prioritisation of CSA.
Cite this Research Publication : Angom, J., & Viswanathan, P. K. (2023). Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices and Technologies in India and South Africa: Implications for Climate Change Adaption and Sustainable Livelihoods. In The Palgrave Handbook of Socio-ecological Resilience in the Face of Climate Change: Contexts from a Developing Country (pp. 161-195). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.