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City and Cinema – A Study based on the Movie Kammattipadam

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research

Source : International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Volume 6, Issue 2 (2019)

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Arts and Sciences

Department : Visual Media and Communication

Year : 2019

Abstract : This research paper is based on the topic city and cinema –a study based on the movie Kammattipadam This research focuses on student community and student professionals who are interested in entertainment sector namely films. Kammattipadam is a Malayalam movie directed by Rajeev Ravi in 2016. The movie tells about the story of a gang of people living in Kammattipadam a suburb of the metropolitan city Kochi. The purpose of this research is to comprehend the relevance of the area Kammattipadam, the paperalso tries to answer whether the story and characters showed in movie has any connection with real incidents happened in the history. Films are one of the powerful medium to show the thoughts, expressions, ideas, events to the whole world. If a city is depicted through a camera it becomes fictional and designable as films so there will be no difference between watching a movie and seeing a city. Thus cinema itself turns into an example for the portrayal of the city. The research has been conducted through a period of six months the and is done using qualitative analysis of the movie Kammattipadam

Cite this Research Publication : S. J, P, A., and Varun Prabha T., “City and Cinema – A Study based on the Movie Kammattipadam”, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research , vol. 6, no. 2, 2019.

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