Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : India Journal Pathol Microbiol, 1995
Campus : Kochi
Year : 1995
Abstract : Antibodies to two mycobacterial antigens viz - culture filtrate antigen (CFA) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen 5 were raised in rabbits. Enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA) and immunoblot methods were used for the evaluation of the specificity of the rabbit antibodies to M. tuberculosis. Immunoblot method is more sensitive than ELISA for the detection of antibodies to M. tuberculosis in the rabbit sera. It is being emphasised that characterisation of the mycobacterial antigens and evaluation of the specificity of the antimycobacterial antibodies are essential prior to their applications as an adjunct in the laboratory diagnosis of human mycobacterial disease.
Cite this Research Publication : Annamma M, Radhakrishnan V.V. Characterization of Mycobacterial antigens by ELISA and immunoblot methods. India J Pathol Microbiol 1995;38:299-303.