Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
Center : TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security
Department : TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security
Year : 2022
Abstract : : Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) develop IoT (Internet of Things) that
carry out an important part and include low-cost intelligent devices to gather
information. However, these modern accessories have limitations concerning calculation, time taken for processing, storage capacity, and vitality sources. In addition to such restrictions, the foremost primary challenge for sensor networks is
achieving reliable data transfer with the secured transmission in a hostile ambience containing vulnerable nodes. The proposed work initially analyses the relation between deployment configuration, lifetime of the deployed network, and
transmission delay with this motivation. Besides, it also introduces a new cellular
automata-based scheme for improving the security of the network. Each device
has a unique id based on its properties (or random number with timestamp). While
initializing the communication, they will broadcast their id to all neighbour nodes;
to pair with other nodes, they should exchange their unique id. The main advantage of this work is the infinitive states’ existence, i.e., the encoded codes generated by cellular automata are infinite. Besides, a modern approach named Fast
Particle Swarm Optimization is used to collect data for nodes ar away from the
sink and slow data collection for nodes Close to the Sink (FPSO-FSC). Hence
the proposed energy-efficient method reduces the end-to-end delay. Comparison
studies report that the performance of FPSO-FSC outperforms the previously proposed methods.
Cite this Research Publication : P Hemalatha, K Dhanalakshmi " Cellular Automata Based Energy Efficient Approach for Improving Security in IOT ", Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing