Publication Type : Book Chapter
Thematic Areas : SDG 6 Water & Sanitation
Publisher : Springer
Source : Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
Url :
Keywords : Water scarcity, Agriculture, Irrigation, Participatory rural appraisal human-centered design, Live-in Labs®, Gudipadu Cheruvu, Andhra Pradesh
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures
Center : Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA)
Department : Sustainable Development
Year : 2022
Abstract : In India, more than 70% of people in rural areas depend on agriculture and thus depend on large quantities of water for irrigation purposes. Sustainable irrigation methods are required to reduce the wastage of water and effectively use it. Drip irrigation method is an effective way to reduce the water usage significantly without losing crop yield. This study conducted in Gudipadu Cheruvu Village was focused on the challenges faced by the people due to water scarcity. Challenges faced by the people were analysed using participatory rural appraisal approach and human-centred design methods. Also, these approaches helped to design and derive an effective method to overcome the water scarcity issues prevalent in the village.
Cite this Research Publication : Abhinaya, P.B. et al. (2022). Case Study on Water Management Through Sustainable Smart Irrigation. In: Senjyu, T., Mahalle, P., Perumal, T., Joshi, A. (eds) IOT with Smart Systems. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 251. Springer, Singapore.