Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Measurement and Control, Vol.49(1), pp.33-41, 2016.
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Verified : No
Year : 2021
Abstract : Photovoltaic energy conversion becomes main focus of many researches due to its promising potential as source for future electricity and has many advantages than the other alternative energy sources like wind, solar, ocean, biomass, geothermal etc. In Photovoltaic power generation multilevel inverters play a vital role in power conversion. The three different topologies, diode-clamped (neutral-point clamped) inverter, capacitor-clamped (flying capacitor) inverter and cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverter are widely used in these multilevel inverters. Among the three topologies, cascaded h-bridge multilevel inverter is more suitable for photovoltaic applications since each pv array can act as a separate dc source for each h-bridge module. This paper presents a single phase Cascaded H-bridge five level inverter for grid-connected photovoltaic application using sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique. This inverter output voltage waveform reduces the harmonics in the generated current and the filtering effort at the input. The control strategy allows the independent control of each dc-link voltages and tracks the maximum power point of PV strings. This topology can inject to the grid sinusoidal input currents with unity power factor and achieves low harmonic distortion. A PID control algorithm is implemented in Arm Processor LPC2148. The validity of the proposed inverter is verified through simulation and is implemented in a single phase 100W prototype. The results of hardware are compared with simulation results. The proposed system offers improved performance over conventional three level inverter in terms of THD. © 2016, Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea. All rights reserved.
Cite this Research Publication : M.S.Sivagama Sundari & P. Melba Mary, “Cascaded H-Bridge five level Inverter for grid connected PV System using PI Controller” Measurement and Control, Vol.49(1), pp.33-41, 2016.