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Carcinoma Ovary with Isolated Metastasis to Breast

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Thieme

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Medical Oncology

Year : 2006

Abstract :

Isolated metastatic lesion in breast from primary ovarian cancer ovary is rare. Here we present a case of isolated breast metastases from carcinoma ovary. Patient presented with abdominal distension and breast lump. The diagnosis was confirmed with histopathology and immuno -histochemistry. The histopathology of breast lesion was similar to ovary and malignant cells in breast lesion and axillary lymph nodes were positive for CA-125 and negative for estrogen and progesterone receptors. Patient was diagnosed as a case of carcinoma ovary with breast metastases. She underwent surgery and was subsequently treated with Paclitaxel and Carboplatin. This article highlights the rarity of this condition and difficulty in making this diagnosis.

Cite this Research Publication : Prabhash K, Pavithran K, Hazarika D, Doval DC. Carcinoma Ovary with isolated metastasis to breast. Indian Journal of Medical and Pediatric Oncology 2006; 27(3):50-53.

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