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Canopy design to minimize restrictions and maximize heat transfer

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings

Source : AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2200, Number 1, p.020079 (2019)

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Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2019

Abstract : A Canopy or an Enclosure is a crucial part of a genset which protects the generator from external environmental factors and maximizes its efficiency. Most of the genset enclosures are designed to meet the noise requirements set by legal authorities but it is also important that such designs can expel the heat generated by different parts of the generator such as engine, alternator, and radiator. This report focusses on the design of a Canopy for QSK 60 G4 Cummins Genset to minimize the restrictions and simultaneously maximize the heat transfer across the system. This method of optimizing the two objectives i.e. pressure drop and heat transfer are carried out by parametrizing the louver angles and length of louvers for two different models on ANSYS. Genetic Aggregation in RSO (Response Surface optimization) is used to constrain the objective functions to the limiting range which is set as per the experimental tests carried out for detecting the pressure drop and LAT (Latent Ambient Temperature).

Cite this Research Publication : V. Vattaparam Parthan, Shyamkumar, P. I., and Nagaraja S. R., “Canopy design to minimize restrictions and maximize heat transfer”, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2200, p. 020079, 2019.

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