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Calcaneal avulsion fracture treated with cancellous screws and suture anchors

Publication Type : Journal Article

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Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2013

Abstract : A 64 year old female patient presented with history of slipping while climbing downstairs. On examination, there was a swelling proximal to insertion of Tendo Achilles. Radiograph showed Type- 2 calcaneal avulsion fracture (Beavis et al., classification). She was treated with open resuction and fixation with a cancellous screw and two suture anchors. Partial weight bearing was started by 8 weeks and full weight bearing was started at 12 weeks. At present, the patient is waking comfortably without any pain or limping, doing her daily routine activities. Karlsson Ankle function Score is 60. Suture anchor augmentation of cancellous screw fixation is an excellent mode of fixation of calcaneal avulsion fractures, especially in osteoporotic bones. Fixation strength with suture anchors and screw is double that of screw fixation alone. Mobilisation can be started early when compared with screw fixation alone. A drawback of this method of fixation is the cost of implants

Cite this Research Publication : Mukesh Kumar, Jai Thilak. Calcaneal avulsion fracture treated with cancellous screws and suture anchors. Kerala Journal of Orthopaedics 2013;124-126.

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