Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : British Journal of Management
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Business
Verified : No
Year : 2022
Abstract : We conduct a comprehensive analysis of all scholarly publications in the field of corporate governance (CG) since the Enron scandal of 2001. Using bibliometric methods, we identify prominent themes that have served as the foundation of CG research, prominent topics in the field along with their temporal developments, and recent trends in CG research. In addition, we identify the authors and journals that have had the biggest impact in the field.
We document that the number of annual publications in CG has increased by a factor of eight since the early 2000s, with research articles being published in a wide variety of general interest journals, as well as in outlets specialized in the field of CG. We identify six research themes as the foundation of CG research: the theoretical foundations of CG, ownership, CG mechanisms and firm outcomes, disclosures, the board of directors, and family firms. We further find 19 major bibliographic keyword clusters that have been explored by researchers in the past 20 years. Research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability, governance mechanisms, control mechanisms and disclosures, board diversity, CG in family firms, and CG in the Chinese context are the most dynamic areas of research in recent years.
Cite this Research Publication : Pandey, N. Baker H.K., Kumar, S., & Searat, A. (2022). Board Diversity and Firm Performance in India: The Role of Contextual Variables. British Journal of Management (Forthcoming) (ABDC- A, ABS-4, IF- 7.450)