Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Elsevier
Source : Bioresource Technology
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2022
Abstract : This short communication investigated biodiesel production from Euglena Sanguinea microalgae and custard apple using nano CaO as a heterogeneous catalyst. Different solvents were used to extract the oil at a fixed speed, time, and temperature for the samples to estimate the optimized oil yield%. The catalyst was synthesized by sol gel method in nano-scale. It was further characterized by FTIR spectroscopy, SEM, and XRD. The algal oil was pre-treated and trans-esterified with a catalyst to produce alkyl esters. The optimized process variables were determined using response surface methodology by varying parameters such as methanol to oil ratio and catalyst weight% for algal bio-oil and MeOH to oil ratio, time, and catalyst weight% for seed oil. The GC–MS was done to characterize the presence of biodiesel. Kinetic studies were done for the optimized condition for the algal oil and seed oil and it follows the pseudo-first order reaction.
Cite this Research Publication : S.Sivanesh, Aswin, Aryalekshmi, M.Naageshwaran, S.Soundary, Sindhu Subramanian Biodiesel production from custard apple seeds and Euglena Sanguinea using CaO nano catalyst, Bioresource Technology, 344,126418, 2022.