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Belzutifan: A Narrative Drug Review

Publication Type : Journal

Publisher : Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

Source : Current Drug Research Reviews

Url :

Keywords : belzutifan; HIF; MK-6482; PT2977; RCC; VHL

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Medical Oncology

Year : 2022

Abstract : Abstract: Von Hippel-Lindau disease is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by renal cell carcinomas, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours, central nervous system hemangioblastomas, retinoblastomas, and tumours of the reproductive tract. This disease results from loss of function mutations in the tumour suppressor gene known as the Von Hippel-Lindau gene, located on chromosome 3. Loss of function mutation in the Von Hippel-Lindau gene results in the accumulation of a protein known as a hypoxia-inducible factor, which promotes cellular proliferation and angiogenesis, leading to cancer. Belzutifan inhibits the hypoxia-inducible factor by binding to the Per-ARNT -Sim-B binding pocket on the hypoxia-inducible factor -2α, inhibiting cellular proliferation and angiogenesis. In our thorough literature review, we identified 37 relevant articles. Belzutifan showed clinically meaningful response rates for both Von Hippel-Lindau disease-associated renal cell carcinomas and non-renal cell cancers. The pharmacokinetic profile of belzutifan was much better than its congener molecules due to the optimisation of its dihalide groups from germinal to vicinal. The pharmacodynamic effect of belzutifan was confirmed by its ability to decrease serum erythropoietin, which is a direct result of hypoxia-inducible factor- 2α inhibition. The significant side effects observed were anaemia, hypoxia, fatigue, hypertension, visual impairment and weight gain. Multiple clinical trials are currently underway to determine the role of beluztifan as part of combination regimens in treating Von Hippel-Lindau diseaseassociated malignancies.

Cite this Research Publication : Vysakh Visweswaran, Keechilat Pavithran, Belzutifan: A Narrative Drug Review, Current Drug Research Reviews, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., 2022,

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