Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Source : Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Volume 13, Issue 2, p.97-102 (2019)
Url : is external)
Campus : Kochi
School : College of Nursing
Department : Mental Health Nursing
Year : 2019
Abstract : Genetic disorders have an irreversible effect in life, if once happen. So it is very important to know about the consequences of genetic disorders and its modern preventive approach in genetics by the public. The main Objectives of the study were to identify the awareness of adults regarding mental retardation and genetic counselling. Methodology: a quantitative approach with descriptive survey design was selected. The sample comprised of 200 subjects, between 20 to 45years (111 males and 89 females). Convenience sampling technique was used for sample section. The study instruments comprised of structured questionnaires on mental retardation and genetic counselling. Results: The study revealed that 150(75%) have good knowledge and 42(21%) of have average and 8(4%) poor knowledge regarding mental retardation. 41.5% subjects stated that mental retardation is curable and 33% subjects agreed that a mentally retarded individual becomes as capable as a normal individual. A substantial number of subjects had knowledge about genetic disorder 190(95%). 8(4%) had an average knowledge and 2(1%) had poor knowledge. Apart from this high level of awareness, 33.5% indicated that purpose of genetic counseling was to advise people about whether or not to have children or to help people understand their ancestry (37%) and half of the participants (46.5%) identified that genetic counselling helps couples have a child with desirable characteristics. Conclusion: The study findings highlight that the adult population have a better understanding of mental retardation and genetic counselling. But still there exist gaps/misconcepts in some aspects. It can be abolished by conducting more public awareness programmes.
Cite this Research Publication : Joy FE, PA S, MG S, Nair RR, Nair GG, George JM. Awareness Regarding Genetic Disorder and Genetic Counselling among Adults Visiting a Tertiary Care Unit at Kochi. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. 2019 Apr 1;13(2).