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Augmented reality x-ray vision with gesture interaction

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2015

Abstract : Augmented reality is a new technology which is capable of presenting possibilities that are difficult for other technologies to offer and meet. AR will really alter the way individuals view the world. Augmented reality X-Ray Vision is an emerging concept. While AR deals with virtual and real objects coexisting in the same space, AR X-Ray Vision is a subdivision of the broad spectrum of AR, which provides a see through vision among real world objects. In this paper, we have thoroughly analysed the existing methodologies dealing with AR X-Ray Vision and we have come up with a convenient method that enables easy implementation.This paper deals with creating a methodology to provide an X-Ray vision using the anaglyph technique and finally integrating it with the Leap Motion Controller to enable gesture interaction to move the window around through which the point of interest can be viewed. The limitations of the suggested methodology have also been discussed. This system enables the user to perceive depth between two regions with the help of just anaglyph glasses without the use of any head mounted display devices.Can be extended to that of medical field, where X-Ray vision is of increasing importance to view the layers of skin and bones of a patient giving the doctors and surgeons an approximate depth perception.

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