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Association of LpPLA2 with coronary artery disease a hospital-based case control study

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2022

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : Jaideep C Menon Rajesh Thachathodiyil, Anugrah Nair, Rajiv Chandrasekhar, Natarajan Kumaraswamy, Vijayakumar Maniyal, Praveen G Pai, Navine Mathew, Harikrishnan S Madhavankutty, Saritha Sekhar, Hisham Ahmed, Jofy Paul, Riji Thomas, Aneesa Ayoob, Chandrasekhar Janakiram, Association of LpPLA2 with coronary artery disease a hospital-based case control study, International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research,2022.

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