Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Medical Sciences
Publisher : Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research .
Source : Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Volume 9, Issue 2, p.197-199 (2016)
Keywords : Hyperlipidemia, Cardiology, Gender, Age.
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Department of Biostatistics
Year : 2016
Abstract : Objective: The main objective of the study was to monitor and compare the correlation between the age and gender with the serum lipoprotein levels
in the hyperlipidemia patients.
Methods: The entire study was performed only after getting approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee. This is a prospective observational
study and conducted in Department of Cardiology of a tertiary care teaching hospital. A total of 520 patients were included and the data collected by
data entry form, and the results were thoroughly analyzed using various statistical tools for its relevance and significance.
Results: From the total study population (n=520), the majority was males 271 (52.1%) than the female population 249 (47.9%). The minimum age
in the study population identified was 40 (years) and the maximum age was 89 (years). The average age of the study population was found to be
60.94±13.062 (years). The mean averages of total cholesterol in males 217.48±39.33 mg/dL compared to females 231.05±55.05 mg/dL, triglycerides
in males were 209.01±73.08 mg/dL compared to females 235.71±97.16 mg/dL, low-density lipoproteins in males were 156.42±37.02 mg/dL
compared to females 164.19±43.17 mg/dL, and in case of high-density lipoproteins it was 32.61±6.34 mg/dL compared to females 31.48±6.53 mg/dL.
Conclusion: From the entire study, it was concluded that the prevalence rate is a more common in male population. The incidence rate is too high in
younger age population. The correlation of age and gender is directly proportional to the incidence of hyperlipidemia.
Cite this Research Publication : A. A Babu, Rani, S., Revikumar, K. G., Mattumal, S., and Unnikrishnan, U. G., “Assessment of Correlation in Gender and Age with Lipoprotein Levels in Hyperlipidemia Patients”, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 197-199, 2016.