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Application of Spray Pyrolytically Grown Zinc Oxide Films as Buffer Layer in Organic Hybrid Solar Cell

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : AIP Publishing

Source : AIP Conference Proceedings

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Physics

Year : 2024

Abstract : Zinc Oxide films (ZnO) were deposited on heated glass substrates at 4500C. XRD data revealed that the samples were having preferred orientation along (002) and (100). The calculated values of lattice parameters are in well agreement with the standard ZnO sample and is having hexagonal structure. The UV-Visible transmission and absorption spectra is recorded for the sample and found that the samples are transparent over the visible region. The absorption coefficient data suggested that the sample is having maximum absorption near UV region owing to the band gap. The Refractive Index data corresponding to the wavelength is extracted from the UV-Visible spectra. The band gap of the sample was found to be 3.38eV from (αhν)2--Energy plot. Using General-purpose Photovoltaic Device Modeling (GPVDM) software, simulation studies on the performance of Organic hybrid solar cell using ZnO buffer layers was conducted. The experimental optical data was used as the input for the studies using P3HT:PCBM as the Active Material. The observation suggested that the optimum thickness of the active layer for maximum Power Conversion Efficiency (PCE) is 250nm. The studies were carried out for different values of the ZnO layer thickness and found that a maximum efficiency of 4.53% is obtained at 10nm for ZnO/Ag cathode. The simulation were repeated for ZnO/Al and ZnO/Au cathode configuration and an efficiency of 4.53% is obtained for ZnO/Al configuration.

Cite this Research Publication : Malavika Sureshkumar, Parvathy Sudhakaranpillai, Sreedev Padmanabhan, Rakhesh Vamadevan, Application of spray pyrolytically grown zinc oxide films as buffer layer in organic hybrid solar cell, AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP Publishing, 2024,

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