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Antibiotic Resistance in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Alternative Therapeutic Options

Publication Type : Journal Article

Thematic Areas : Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine

Publisher : International Journal of Medical Microbiology, Elsevier GmbH,

Source : International Journal of Medical Microbiology, Elsevier GmbH, Volume 306, Number 1, p.48 - 58 (2016)

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Campus : Kochi

School : Center for Nanosciences, School of Medicine

Center : Amrita Center for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine Move

Department : Microbiology, Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine

Year : 2016

Abstract : Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a leading cause of nosocomial infections and is responsible for ∼10% of all hospital-acquired infections worldwide. It continues to pose a therapeutic challenge because of the high rate of morbidity and mortality associated with it and the possibility of development of drug resistance during therapy. Standard antibiotic regimes against P. aeruginosa are increasingly becoming ineffective due to the rise in drug resistance. With the scope for developing new antibiotics being limited, alternative treatment options are gaining more and more attention. A number of recent studies reported complementary and alternative treatment options to combat P. aeruginosa infections. Quorum sensing inhibitors, phages, probiotics, anti-microbial peptides, vaccine antigens and antimicrobial nanoparticles have the potential to act against drug resistant strains. Unfortunately, most studies considering alternative treatment options are still confined in the pre-clinical stages, although some of these findings have tremendous potential to be turned into valuable therapeutics. This review is intended to raise awareness of several novel approaches that can be considered further for combating drug resistant P. aeruginosa infections. © 2015 Elsevier GmbH.

Cite this Research Publication : M. Chatterjee, Anju, C. P., Biswas, L., V. Kumar, A., Dr. Gopi Mohan C., and Dr. Raja Biswas, “Antibiotic Resistance in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Alternative Therapeutic Options”, International Journal of Medical Microbiology, vol. 306, pp. 48 - 58, 2016.

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