Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : 9th ASEAN ANSYS Conference
Source : 9th ASEAN ANSYS Conference, Singapore (2013)
Url :
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2013
Abstract : A general, three-dimensional, incompressible and non-cavitating model of a glass stack coextrusion was developed and simulated using ANSYS-CFX. The model was used to simulate a core/clad chalcogenide glass-pair coextrusion, previously accomplished towards the first multilayer chalcogenide glass fiber. Experimentally measured essential chalcogenide glass properties like thermal expansion coefficient, were used to define the respective glass material models. A dynamic mesh approach was applied to simulate the transient steps of the extrusion. The dimensions in the resulting structure of the simulated extrudate were compared with experimental results and a very close agreement was obtained. This indicates that such computational fluid dynamics modelling can potentially be used as a predictive tool for complicated fiber-optic structures involving multiple material.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Kaustav Bhowmick, “ANSYS for fiber-optics and novel photonic glass extrusion”, in 9th ASEAN ANSYS Conference, Singapore, 2013.