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Analysis of Neural Synchronization Using Genetic Approach for Secure Key Generation

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Security in Computing and Communications, Springer International Publishin

Source : Security in Computing and Communications, Springer International Publishing, Cham (2015)

ISBN : 9783319229157

Campus : Bengaluru

School : Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2015

Abstract : Cryptography depends on two components, an algorithm and a key. Keys are used for encryption of information as well as in other cryptographic schemes such as digital signature and message authentication codes. Neural cryptography is a way to create shared secret key. Key generation in Tree Parity Machine neural network is done by mutual learning. Neural networks receive common inputs to synchronize using a suitable learning rule. Because of this effect neural synchronization can be used to construct a cryptographic key-exchange protocol. Faster synchronization of the neural network has been achieved by generating the optimal weights for the sender and receiver from a genetic process. In this paper the performance of the genetic algorithm has been analysed by varying the neural network and genetic parameters.

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. S. Santhanalakshmi, K., S., and Patra, G. K., “Analysis of Neural Synchronization Using Genetic Approach for Secure Key Generation”, in Security in Computing and Communications, Cham, 2015.

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