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Analysis and Modeling of multivalued attributes in entity-relationship Modeling: An approach for improved database design

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Computer systems science and engineering, 28(4), pp.217-223.

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Computing

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Verified : No

Year : 2013

Abstract : The Entity-Relationship (ER) model has been recognized as the de facto standard for supporting relational database design. If the ER model is modeled cautiously, taking the business rules into consideration and then transformed into relations the resultant relations will be normalized. However, in most of the scenarios, database designers design relations directly without developing ER models which results in poor database design. In this paper, we propose a modeling methodology which eliminates modeling multivalued attributes in the ER model there by eliminating the need for normal forms that deal with multivalued attributes and nontrivial multivalued dependencies.

Cite this Research Publication : Vimala, S., Khanna Nehemiah, H., Saranya, G., & Kannan, A. (2013). Analysis and Modeling of multivalued attributes in entity-relationship Modeling: An approach for improved database design. Computer systems science and engineering, 28(4), pp.217-223.

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