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An Investigational Testbed Design for Next Generation Internet Protocol Mobility

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics

Source : 2017 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)

Url :

Accession Number : 17392861

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2017

Abstract : Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is presently gaining demand in almost every region of the world. In near future, IPv6 would be the key area of research and expansion in the internet protocol standards. IPv6 was built with the aim of improving the mobility and communications among these devices. Mobile IPv6 is becoming a highly demanding research area under which a lot of investigations are yet to be carried on in forth-coming days. But the experimentation in developing a real-time testbed setup with mobile nodes communicating in a complete IPv6 environment is very less. Hence, this paper addresses the designing and deployment of a real-time testbed setup that establishes the communication among the entities of an IPv6 environment and discusses the various network connection scenarios. The requirements for the testbed are discussed and heterogeneous networks are established for connectivity in IPv6 based mobile networks with the relevant configuration details of mobile nodes and agents in the network.

Cite this Research Publication : P. Muraleedharan and Dr. Senthil Kumar M., “An Investigational Testbed Design for Next Generation Internet Protocol Mobility”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics - ICCCI-2017 (sixth edition), Coimbatore, India, 2017.

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