Publication Type : Conference Paper
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Arts and Sciences
Department : Commerce and Management
Year : 2023
Abstract : By connecting the stock market returns of the FMCG companies in India with the weather conditions from 2010 to 2020 the study aims to find out the influence of weather conditions in India on the FMCG industry. The ten years have been particularly selected to have a comparative analysis of stock market prices before 2015 and after 2015. In the year 2015, India was the top fourth country in the world among the top climate change-affected countries. Hence studying the stock market prices of the FMCG industry before and after 2015 assesses the impact of climate on the financial condition of the country. Sun, Xu and You, (2022)1 on studying the relationship between physical climate change exposure and stock market returns find that climate change exposure of listed companies and stock market returns are interrelated to each other. The purpose of this study is to get a more in-depth understanding of the present mechanism that is the driving force behind the climate connection by investigating the distinctiveness that resides within it. The effect that exceptionally high temperatures have on erratic stock returns is especially noticeable in businesses that place a strong emphasis on their customers. Even if a number of issues have been resolved, the impact of the extreme weather continues to be felt. In the end, this article provides further evidence that may be taken as definitive of the influence climate change has had on the stock market.
Cite this Research Publication : Prasanth A. P., "An investigation into the stock market volatility in fast moving consumer goods industry due to climate change," International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought (GIT 2022) ISBN: 978-93-5680-326-8, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode IIMK Campus PO, 2023.