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An Intervention into the Diverse Utilities of Fluorenes: A Brobdingnagian Family

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Topics in Current Chemistry

Source : Topics in Current Chemistry, 2025

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Chemistry

Year : 2025

Abstract : The keyword “Fluorene” search in SciFinder found more than 57,000 results, including high-impact journal articles, review articles, patents, books, proceedings, etc. Against this background, a detailed enquiry has been made by our group on various classes of fluorenes and their relevancy. For the past several decades, fluorene and its related compounds have experienced extensive studies, which are attributed to the vast range of applications they possess in various fields like sensors, polymers, OLED devices and even in the pharmaceutical industries. Since fluorene is an important member of the ‘polyaromatic-hydrocarbon’ family and has proved its relevancy in multidisciplinary areas, summarising those milestones might be worthwhile for future researchers. Here, we intend to highlight the key applications of fluorene derivatives in the form of a review article and have put much effort into consolidating some of their most imperative applications, including those in sensors and medicinal, optoelectronic and electrochemical fields. The manuscript divides the fluorene family into multiple subclasses, counting mono- and polyfluorenes, spirofluorenes, silicon-cored fluorenes, indenofluorenes, etc., based on their structure, and portrays all the critical properties of each class. Since fluorenes are globally accepted as outstanding candidates for numerous applications and practicalities, our effort may find crucial acceptance in the near future.

Cite this Research Publication : Anjana Sreekumar, Ajil R. Nair, C. Raksha, Sujith Sudheendran Swayamprabha, Akhil Sivan "An Intervention into the Diverse Utilities of Fluorenes: A Brobdingnagian Family”, Topics in Current Chemistry, 2025

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