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An Internet of Things-based Efficient Solution for Smart Farming

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Elsevier

Source : Procedia Computer Science

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Computing

Center : TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security

Department : TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security

Year : 2023

Abstract : Agriculture is the major occupation and the main origin of income in India, and most of the population depends on agriculture for their living. The smart farming system's foremost goal is to monitor farmlands by automatically rinsing the lands with appropriate water and a pest detection framework. The conventional agricultural methods lack higher crop productivity with increased human efforts. Hence, the paper proposes an IoT-based solution for smart farming. The proposed system focuses on automatic irrigation of water and plant disease detection. It uses machine learning algorithms to accurately predict adequate water required by the fields and automatic pest identification based on the requirements of the farmland. K-Nearest Neighbour and support vector machine learning algorithms in the pest detection module are used to precisely predict plant diseases. The convenient features from the leaves of the plants were obtained. Then the obtained features are used for classification purposes. Extracting the suitable features and classifying them helps detect whether the plant is pest infected or not. The proposed system monitors, analyses, assesses and controls agricultural fields for the automatic irrigation of the water and disease identification of the plants. The numerical analysis of the machine learning algorithms and the significance of the classification with accuracy are investigated. From the numerical results, it is demonstrated that an accuracy of 84 % is achieved.

Cite this Research Publication : Mathi, Senthilkumar, R. Akshaya, and K. Sreejith. "An internet of things-based efficient solution for smart farming." Procedia Computer Science 218 (2023): 2806-2819.

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