Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : IEEE
Source : IEEE Trans on Vehicular Communication, Volume 57, Issue 3, May 2008, pp 1834 - 1845
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Computing
Year : 2008
Abstract : This paper proposes an efficient rule-based pagingstrategy (RBPS) using a well-known concept ofartificial intelli-gence, namely, rule base. The novelty of the scheme lies in devising“rules” that offer a potential mapping from seemingly disparateinput data items (yet having some statistical relations) to an almostexact position of mobile terminals (MTs). Considering the conven-tional models of call arrival, cell residence, and mobility, we havedeveloped a stochastic model to analyze the performance of thescheme. Interestingly, RBPS requires no additional processing atMTs and involves a nominal overhead at mobile switching centers.Simulation results reveal that RBPS significantly outperforms theblanket paging scheme adopted in Global System for Mobile(GSM) communications. In addition, results are very much en-couraging when compared with the popular shortest-distance-firstscheme. Finally, RBPS is generic enough to be potentially used innext-generation wireless networks, irrespective of any stan-dards, with only minor adaptations to conform to the respectivestandards.
Cite this Research Publication : M. Maitra, P. S. Bhattacharjee, D. Saha, A. Mukherjee, “An Intelligent Paging Strategy for Mobile Terminals: Rule Based Approach”, IEEE Trans on Vehicular Communication, Volume 57, Issue 3, May 2008, pp 1834 - 1845