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An Intelligent Embedded Diagnostic System on CAN Protocol to Avoid Rear-End Collision of Vehicles

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Source : Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(19), IPL0124, ISSN (Print): 0974-6846 ISSN (Online): 0974-5645

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2015

Abstract : Background/Objectives: In a modern day vehicle, the safety of drivers and passengers are of utmost significance. With increase of traffic on roads, there are increased cases of accidents and mishaps which call for a robust driver and passenger assisting systems that can overcome and handle these situations effectively. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The work proposes an intelligent embedded system that assists the driver in avoiding a rear end collision with its on board diagnostics. It is a mechanism that monitors the braking intensity of vehicle and depending upon its intensity alerts the other vehicles that are immediately following. The device on the following vehicle immediately is activated to take decisions to avoid the impending collision. An accelerometer interfaced to ARM Cortex M0 microcontroller is a part of the transmitter devices that calculates the rate of deceleration and notifies the device on following vehicle by displaying it on the rear LED arrays and transmitting messages through IR communication. The receiver device is responsible to decode the message and follow a control algorithm based on many other parameters to either decelerate or stop the vehicle notifying the driver immediately. The system also hosts an on board Diagnostic system over CAN protocol that assists the driver and the repair technician during servicing, thus reducing the debugging effort and facilitating easy. Findings: Literature survey states road accidents are very common in India due to human errors. Existing system are becoming advanced and they reached up to tracking the traffic by using GPS to avoid accidents. Various traffic managements systems are being developed. Proposed work introduces a new system which tells the intensity of braking in car, to the nearby cars in order to keep the driver alert, which helps in avoiding the accidents. Conclusion/Improvements: The proposed system has advantages over the other existing system in terms of response time and independency on external infrastructure. It is also cheap in terms of cost and reliable when tested in actual environment. The system does not intend to notify other running vehicles except the ones that are following it or is in the lambert Ian line of sight of the array of IR transmitter lined in the rear bumper. Hence it effectively helps in reducing the accidents due to human errors by alerting the driver in advance.

Cite this Research Publication : Pradhan Suvendu Kedareswar, Venkatasubramanian. K, “An Intelligent Embedded Diagnostic System on CAN Protocol to Avoid Rear-End Collision of Vehicles”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(19), IPL0124, ISSN (Print): 0974-6846 ISSN (Online): 0974-5645

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